


  Surgical Treatment

Surgical treatment is used for endometrial implants and scar removal like hormonal treatment.
The goal of surgery in endometriosis is to bring back a woman's normal abdominal and pelvic anatomy and destroy or remove all visible endometriosis tissue.
Surgery is usually the best choice for women with endometriosis who have the conditions below:

  • Large amount of growths.
  • Severe pain.
    If you have a great deal of pain from endometriosis, you may also benefit from surgery.
  • Fertility problems.
    Although hormone therapies are effective in reducing or eliminating symptoms of endometriosis, they prevent pregnancy.
    If you have endometriosis and are trying to become pregnant, surgery to remove tissue implants may increase your chances of success.
    Assisted reproductive technologies are sometimes preferable to conservative surgery to help you become pregnant, and doctors often suggest these approaches if conservative surgery is ineffective.

There are both minor and more complex surgeries that can help.
Currently no particular instruments or methods in use are yet proven to have any advantage over the others.
Your doctor might suggest one of the following:

  • Conservative surgery
    Conservative surgery removes
    • endometrial growths,
    • scar tissue
    • adhesions

without removing your reproductive organs.
Your doctor may do this procedure laparoscopically, or through traditional abdominal surgery in more extensive cases.

Laparoscopy can be used to diagnose and treat endometriosis.
It is the most recent technique that has the advantages of shorter hospital stays and recovery time compared to older procedures.
In laparoscopic surgery, a slender viewing instrument (laparoscope) is inserted through a small incision near your navel.
The laparoscope is equipped with a laser, a cautery — an instrument that destroys tissue with heat — or small surgical instruments.
During this surgery, doctors remove growths and scar tissue or destroy them with intense heat.
The goal is to treat the endometriosis without harming the healthy tissue around it.
Women recover from laparoscopy much faster than from major abdominal surgery.

Laparotomy or major abdominal surgery is a last resort treatment for severe endometriosis.
The doctor makes a much bigger cut in the abdomen than with laparoscopy.
This allows the doctor to reach and remove growths of endometriosis in the pelvis or abdomen.
Recovery from this surgery can take up to two months.

  • Hysterectomy
    In severe cases of endometriosis, a total hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) and the removal of both ovaries (oophorectomy) and fallopian tubes may be the best treatment.
    Hysterectomy alone is also effective, but removing the ovaries ensures that endometriosis will not return.

    Either type of surgery is typically considered a last resort, especially for women still in their reproductive years.
    You can't get pregnant after a hysterectomy.

Although no single treatment option is ideal for everyone, most women who seek help for endometriosis find some, if not complete, relief from their symptoms.
If your pain persists or if finding a treatment that works takes some time, you can try measures at home to relieve your discomfort.
Warm baths and a heating pad can help relax pelvic muscles, reducing cramping and pain.

Next: Infertility Treatment



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