


  Why do Endometriosis Cause Health Problems?


Every month, hormones cause the lining of a woman's uterus to build up with tissue and blood vessels.
If a woman does not get pregnant, the uterus sheds this tissue and blood.
It comes out of the body through the vagina as her menstrual period.

Patches of endometriosis also respond to a woman's monthly cycle.
Each month the growths add extra tissue and blood, but there is no place for the built-up tissue and blood to exit the body.
For this reason, growths tend to get bigger and the symptoms of endometriosis often get worse over time.

Tissue and blood that is shed into the body can cause

  • inflammation,
  • scar tissue,
  • pain.

The main complication of endometriosis is impaired fertility.
Approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of women who have difficulty becoming pregnant have endometriosis.

For pregnancy to occur, an egg must be released from an ovary and travel through the fallopian tube to the uterus (womb), where it can be fertilized by a male's sperm and then attach to the uterine wall to begin development.
As the misplaced tissue grows, it can cover the ovaries and block the fallopian tubes.
Endometriosis can produce adhesions that can trap the egg in its way towards the ovary.
It may inhibit the mobility of the fallopian tube and impair its ability to pick up the egg.

In most cases, however, endometriosis probably interferes with conception in more complex ways.
This can make it hard for women with endometriosis to get pregnant.

Despite these possible complications, many women with endometriosis are still able to conceive.
It may take them a little longer to get pregnant, but most women with mild to moderate endometriosis can become pregnant.
Doctors advise women with endometriosis not to delay having children because endometriosis tends to worsen with time.
The longer you have endometriosis, the greater your chance of becoming infertile.

During pregnancy, most women have no signs or symptoms of endometriosis.

Other organs
The growths can also cause problems in the intestines and bladder.

Having endometriosis doesn't increase your risk of uterine cancer or ovarian cancer.

Growths of endometriosis are almost always benign or not cancerous, but still can cause many problems.
Although cancerous changes may occur in endometrial implants, the rate of cancer in this tissue hasn't been shown to be higher than that in other tissues.

Next:  How is Screening and Diagnosis in Endometriosis?



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