


  How can I Reduce My Chances of Getting Endometriosis?

Because the causes of endometriosis are not well understood, no definite techniques to manage the risk of endometriosis have been developed.
However, some health care professionals believe there might be a certain level of protection against the disease if you begin having children early in life, and have more than one child.

There is some evidence that long-term birth control pill users are less likely to develop endometriosis.

Additionally, you may prevent or delay the development of endometriosis with an early diagnosis and treatment of any menstrual obstruction, a condition in which a vaginal cyst, vaginal tumor or other growth or lesion prevents endometrial tissue from leaving your body during menstruation.

Some studies suggest that below regimes may lower your chances of developing endometriosis.

  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoide alcohol and caffeine
    Limit your coffee consumption (no more than two cups per day), and avoid other sources of caffeine.
  • It is not proven that higher estrogen levels cause endometriosis pain or worsened disease, but experts believe that higher estrogen is not beneficial and may aggravate the condition.
  • Make sure your body is best able to withstand pain, by
    • getting enough sleep at night,
    • eating right,
    • taking recommended doses of vitamins and minerals (magnesium or thiamine are especially good for endometriosis).
  • A heating pad or hot bath may help ease painful cramps.
  • Relaxation techniques, meditation, and even acupuncture have helped some women (a pain management specialist or a pain center could be beneficial for you).
  • Other possibility is trancutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS).

Ask for help from yourdoctor, if painful intercourse is a symptom of your endometriosis.
Women typically feel pain during deep penetration, and some feel pain as if something has been "bumped into."

Next:  Why do endometriosis cause health problems?



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